Thank you for taking time to visit our site. Take a moment and allow us to share our ministry with you. We're not just a church on a corner; God is raising us to be a ministry in the community and beyond. Our worship, praise and preaching is uplifting, exciting and edifying. Our Community Service is rooted in and guided by biblical principles. Please accept our personal invitation to visit with us and you will discover, one visit has the potential of changing your life forever. Again, thanks for visiting our site.
The Lord's Ministries
Service Times
Which Ministry has God placed on your heart?
Please Check and contact us today to fulfill your Ministry Call.
A Word From Our Pastor
At Central City Christian Fellowship, we pride ourselves on being a Ministry in the community in which God has planted us. We believe in the command given us in the Gospel according to Matthew 25:35-40. Our worship, praise and teaching is uplifting, exciting and applicable.
We welcome you to visit with us and become a part in what God is doing in and through our Ministry. A visit with us would be a life changing experience.
Pastor Darren Walker
"Upcoming Events"
Poetry Night will be introduce in the CCCF Ministry. This will allow for our youth to express themselves in a therapeutic and nurturing environment. Poetry Night is expected to begin in Fall/Winter 2015. Please look forward to more details to be posted! If you'd like to volunteer in the organizing of this Ministry, please see Pastor Walker.
Poetry Night will be introduce in the CCCF Ministry. This will allow for our youth to express themselves in a therapeutic and nurturing environment. Poetry Night is expected to begin in Fall/Winter 2015. Please look forward to more details to be posted! If you'd like to volunteer in the organizing of this Ministry, please see Pastor Walker.
We urge the spread of the Good News! God live in our lives for us to Testify of His Goodness and what He continues to do for His People who doesn't deserve it, but who He Loves. Please don't deny God's Love, but instead share it with us so that we may share it below.